Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fishing is a Sport

Fishing is a Sport

Many people believe fishing is just a hobby, but I think fishing is a sport because there are special techniques involved when hooking a fish. First off, the time of day, season, and temperature of the water play a factor in finding where the fish are. In the spring, fish do not bite as much in the morning and early afternoon because the water is to cold. As the water warms throughout the day, fish tend to become more active in the evening. In the summer season, fish tend to bite more in the early morning because food is abundant and in the early evening, because the water starts to cool off from the hot day. In the fall fish tend to be more active in the late evening because, the water has absorbed heat from radiating from the sun. Fall is also the best season to fish because the fish are putting on weight for the winter. Temperature plays a role in fishing as well. Warm water tends to attract baitfish, which in turn attracts larger game fish. On hot summer day’s fish tend to move to cooler water that is deeper

Second thing an angler needs to know is how to play the fish. This involves two steps, the first being to retrieve the fishing line quickly as the rod is lowered until it is horizontal and pointed at the fish. The second step is to stop reeling in the line and to raise the rod up slowly. These steps are repeated until the fish is landed. Each playing of the fish is different depending on the type of fish being caught. Shallow water fish tend to jump more while deeper water fish tend to make a run for deeper water. Deeper water fish are harder to reel in because they are stronger and bigger and always run. The best way to catch these types of fish is to reel when the fish has slowed on stopped running. When reeling these big fish anglers pull the rod up and reel downward.

The third thing an angler needs to know is how to land the fish. There are five ways to land a fish. The first way is to pick the fish up by the mouth using the thumb and index finger to crab the lower jaw. The second technique is to use a gaff. Most anglers use this technique when they know they will be keeping the fish and when the fish is big enough to keep. The third way is to net a fish. Nets are made today to withstand a lot of weight. For this technique the net is placed in the water and the fish is then lead to it head first. The fourth technique is the eye pick up, but it is not recommended if the angler plans to release the fish. The fifth technique is to beach a fish. This is when a fish is hooked in deeper water, reeled into shallower water, and gradually to land.

Fishing is a sport because many techniques are used in finding a fish, playing the fish, and landing the fish. Angler put a lot of effort into catching all types of fish.

Work cited
State, By. "Take Me Fishing | When to Fish." When to Fish. Web. 07 Nov. 2010.
State, By. "Take Me Fishing | Landing the Fish." Landing the Fish. Web. 07 Nov. 2010.
State, By. "Take Me Fishing | Playing the Fish." Playing the Fish. Web. 07 Nov. 2010. 

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