Dolphin Marine Magic
About Dolphin Marine Magic:
Dolphin Marine Magic is located in Australia’s Coffs Harbour and is a major tourist destination. Many visitors fly in from Sydney because the travel time is relatively short, and the airport is close in proximity.
Hec Goodall founded Dolphin Marine Magic, originally called Pet Porpoise Pool. The facility opened on Boxing Day in 1970, with its main purpose being the rescue and rehabilitation of marine mammals. The facility has since become a permanent home for mammals with severe injuries and mammals unable to be released back into the wild.
Today, the facility still focuses on rescuing and rehabilitating marine mammals, but a tourist element is now included—the animals being cared for are displayed to the public. Displays include bottle nose dolphins, New Zealand fur seals, endangered Australian sea lions, little blue penguins, sea turtles, both short neck and Eastern long neck freshwater turtles. Dolphins are among the many animals that have been trained to do tricks. Remaining true to their slogan “be touched by magic,” the park even offers guests the opportunity to be kissed by a dolphin or seal. Perhaps most notably, Dolphin Marine Magic is one of only two facilities in Australia that display cetaceans, making it a great tourist destination.
Check out their website:
Dolphin Marine Magic
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